Chromebook Agreement

A new agreement must be signed each school year before a device is issued to your student. 

Chromebook Usage Regulations

I have read and understand Calvary Academy’s regulations governing my child’s and other students’ use of technology in school.  I further understand that, although the school will take practical and reasonable precautions to attempt to ensure that students use technology properly, it is impossible for the school to guarantee that students will access and use technology properly in school.  Therefore, I agree not to hold Calvary Academy and/or Calvary Church responsible for any improper use of technology in school by my child or by any other student to which my child may be exposed.

I further understand that 1) my child’s violation of these regulations may result in suspension or revocation of his/her technology access privileges, disciplinary or legal action; 2) his/her use of technology is not private and that all data stored on Calvary Academy’s technology resources, including deleted files, may be fully monitored and accessed by the school; and 3) I agree to be responsible for any unauthorized costs incurred or damages inflicted to the school as a result of my child’s use of technology; 4) I agree to pay for repairs or replacement of the device should my student damage or lose the Chromebook.  

I give permission for my child(ren) named above to use Calvary Academy’s technology resources.


1730 West Jefferson St.

Springfield, IL 62702

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